good times

I woke up early this morning, and started poking around at some Gentoo bugs while ripping more of my music CDs.  I have to say, in the short time I’ve been a Gentoo developer, I have really enjoyed myself quite a bit.  I really loved the community and working with it for years as a user, and things have only gotten better being to help out even more on the other side of things.  Hanging out with the other devs on IRC is a lot of fun, there are so many cool, smart and knowledgeable people, and lots to learn from them.  Plus, I’m going to be driving down to California in February for the So. California Linux Expo, where I’ll finally get to meet some others in person.

In other Gentoo news, I’ve been using the GPNL website more and more to search bugs, check on stability status, view ebuilds and changelogs and more, and I’m feeling the need to get it more up to speed.  I just started tweaking the search page a bit this morning, and I’m going to revamp the front page a bit so it doesn’t take so long to load. One thing I have in the works is to display the dependencies (and reverse deps) on the pages.  In fact, the code is already complete on my desktop and the data is in the database, I just haven’t started working on pulling it out yet.

Lots of cool stuff going on in the works.  Good times.  I’m having fun. 🙂

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