national treasure 2

On my little Christmas vacation to Minneapolis, I got to visit the Mall of America, and go to a theater to see National Treasure: Book of Secrets. The movie wasn’t really worth writing about. It wasn’t as good as the first one in regards to humor … it was more serious and focused instead of relationships. The adventure was good, though. I find adventure movies hard to sit through, personally. I don’t like the whole “oh my gosh, are they going to make it?” excitement. It just bugs me. It also makes it so I can’t watch movies a second time. I much more prefer “punch me in the face 857 times with a textbook” style of action movie, like the Bourne trilogy or 007 movies. Action all around versus a mix of drama and then a climatic ending.

Anyway, nothing compared to the actual cartoon that preceded the movie … Disney put a Goofy cartoon before the movie! Old school, baby! Man, I am old enough to remember watching Looney Tunes before movies way back in the day, and Donald Duck and other Disney ones. Wow, I don’t know why they ever did away with that.

The one we saw was “How to Set Up A Home Theater,” and it was absolutely awesome. I was laughing quite a bit during it, and it was a great nod to the old “How To” series of Goofy cartoons that are classic. I would have a hard time watching this newer one and an older one and have even the slightest idea that they were about fifty years apart, it followed the pattern so well. I’d buy the movie on DVD just to see that cartoon again (I never bought the first National Treasure, may or may not someday).

There were trailers on there which looked really good, too. I saw a Wall-E trailer for the first time, and it looks absolutely hilarious … hopefully it’ll be the first Pixar movie that’s worth watching since The Incredibles. In fact, my friend Jason and I were discussing this the other day, and there’s only three of the six that are out that I think are worth watching: Monsters, Inc., A Bug’s Life and The Incredibles. I don’t like Toy Story (for the adventure / climax reason I stated above), never saw Toy Story 2 (no thanks), Finding Nemo was a bore and a half, walked out of Cars, and as far as Ratatouille … I haven’t seen it. I’ve never liked any movie where an animal has the starring role, animated or not.

The other trailer was for Narnia 2, Prince Caspian. Now *that* trailer looked really, really, really cool. I didn’t like the first one at all (the battle was too short, boring, and nothing really happened … it was very well detailed in the book. Plus that goat-man thing looked freaky). The second one looks like it’s gonna rawk. I’m pretty excited for that one.

Seems like there was another trailer … oh yes, Hancock looks hilarious. 🙂 Watch the trailer if you can find it.

That’s about it. As far as the movie itself, it was a good popcorn movie. Definately rated PG as I don’t remember anything remotely offensive at all, which is a nice change of pace. I’d recommend going to see it.

Well, that was a fun little review. I never write ones for movies that I’m sorta half-interested in because it never seems like I’ll have anything to say. Maybe I should just write about them anyway.

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