new host, same old boring content

I have to apologize for the spotty connection if anyone has been trying to hit my websites lately. GPNL would have been affected the most. I’ve been running my server on a Comcast connection here at home since I moved in last week, and my roommate kept saying the service was cutting out. I haven’t even had time to be on the computer, so I wasn’t really sure myself, but I’ve verified that to be true. Plus, today I moved the services over to a new host (a virtual server with vpslink), and now I’m having to deal with tweaking things for low memory environment.

In any case, things should be rolling along at a slightly better pace now. For you, at least. I’m going to switch to DSL pretty soon here, probably Speakeasy. The cable picture here is awesome, but losing my IM connections every 10 minutes isn’t that much fun.

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