resistance is futile

You may or may not have heard this, but Paramount is re-releasing Star Trek: The Next Generation on DVD. This time, in one box set of the entire series. Here’s a photo of what it looks like, courtesy of TV Shows on DVD:

Right now it’s retailing for $400 on Amazon. Eek. Will I buy one? Meh. I dunno. I’ve heard the special features on there are killer, but I’m not a big fan of production notes, behind the scenes stuff, and documentaries. I just like watching the show. If it does come in in HD-DVD, then yah, I’d definately buy it.

I’ve already got seasons 1 to 7 on the original DVD releases, and that took me a long time to get at a reasonable price. It wasn’t until this year that they dropped the price from $100 to about $55 for each box set. I bought all mine used for somewhere between $50 and $70 each. I did get lucky with DS9, though, and managed to get 5 of 7 seven of them brand new at the discounted price. Voyager is still running $100 to $110 for each box set, and I’ve only got season one. A real shame, since it’s my favorite.

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