the library

I went to the library on my lunch break here, and it was pretty interesting.  I haven’t checked out any books from there since high school (which has really been a while), so I had no idea what to expect.  The first thing I noticed is that they had a lot of movies in there, both on VHS and DVD.  Their selection seemed to be pretty big, though I didn’t bother looking at it — I was looking for some Star Trek novels to read.  They also had some CDs there that you can check out.  That’s pretty cool.  I’ll have to go back sometime and see what they have.

It took me a while, but I finally found a few Star Trek novels, next to the Dragonlance ones.  Oddly enough I didn’t see any Forgotten Realms ones.  They didn’t have very many, but I wasn’t expecting much since it’s a small branch just across the street from where I work.  The main library is only a few blocks away, in downtown Salt Lake.  I’d like to go down there too and see what else they have.

I’m not much of a reader, though, that’s for sure.  At least, not these days.  I used to read fantasy novels quite a bit, and I had burned through almost the entire Forgotten Realms library back in the day.  Now, though, I mostly just read old Gold Comics digests for recreation, and that’s about it.  Sometimes though I’ll get the bug to read again, and so that’s why I made my way over there today.

Something else cool I saw is they had some fliers out for a Dungeons & Dragons group that meets every Saturday for the next few months!  I couldn’t believe that.  I absolutely *love* playing AD&D on paper.  And of course that means that it’s something else I also haven’t done for a long time, either.  I’ve been (passively) looking for a group to play with again locally, so I’ll probably stop in tomorrow afternoon and see what their setup is like.  I used to play a half-elven thief called Tich.  He was a lot of fun.  What a great game.

I got a library card too while I was there, so I’m pretty stoked.  I hope I can find some cool stuff to read and watch.

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