do you ever get the feeling …

… that no matter how much stuff you know, there is still a ton of stuff you don’t know?

Case in point, I’ve been working on writing ebuilds tonight, and it can be some incredibly difficult stuff.

First I started working on an ebuild for the wis-go7007 kernel drivers. Talk about biting off more than you can chew. I have to use the kernel eclasses, and I was looking at nvidia-kernel as a reference, but I couldn’t figure out why it was using eerror to get the output of linux_chkconfig_module.

The next one that I worked on (dev-libs/libebml) was changing something in the Makefile for Mac OS, and I had no flipping clue what it was changing or why. I’ll have to ping flameeyes on that one when he gets back.

Another one (media-video/oxine) has a lot of stuff to check for to make sure the deps were built correctly, and I couldn’t think of a good way to exit out if it was missing some without setting a bash variable.

On a good note, the one for mkvtoolnix came together great. That, and I fixed my alsa settings so my speakers don’t clip anymore.

I’m still bummed, though. I really need to learn more bash, it seems. I’ve been putting off learning other languages for a very long time now, since I’ve been so proficient in PHP, and now it’s really starting to bite me in the butt for not branching out.


I’m gonna go get on my laptop, sit on my couch, crack open my awesome C++ book, and get learning. I figure if I could learn both extremes (C++ pretty hard, PHP pretty easy) then the stuff in the middle should make a lot more sense, right?

2 comments on “do you ever get the feeling …

  1. Eddy Mulyono

    > I really need to learn more bash, it seems.
    > I figure if I could learn both extremes (C++ pretty hard, PHP pretty easy) then the stuff in the middle should make a lot more sense, right?

    I’m aware that you’re trying to kill two birds with one stone, but IMHO, bash is closer to PHP than to C++. With that assumption, learning C++ probably will have little impact on your bash skills.

    However, I’m not against learning more programming languages. ESR had a good article about the 5 languages you should learn (and why) at How To Become A Hacker.

    Happy hacking.


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