happy birthday, dick tracy

Wow, Dick Tracy has been around for 75 years. That’s freaking incredible. The comic strip has always been one of my top favorites.

I have five Dick Tracy books sitting in my closet. Two of them are collections of best stories and the other three are the dailies for a few years. Really great stuff. Man, I remember going to the library too as a kid and checking out those collector volumes and reading them over and over. I never get tired of the stuff.

I’ve been into comic strips as long as I can remember, and I’ve been reading them daily for the longest time. My current all-time favorite is Peanuts. That’s some *really* classic stuff. I’m working on collecting all those daily volumes as well. In fact, I have a ton of the old books they used to release, those tiny paperbacks that were in print in the 70s to 80s. A lot of them are completely falling apart now, but I can’t bear to part with them.

Something else I just noticed — I’ve been running dailystrips every day since September 6, 2004. Wow. Two years worth of dailies on my desktop. Here’s my cron job that runs nightly if you wanna see what I’m pulling down:

dailystrips adamathome arlonjanis bc beetlebailey blondie calvinandhobbes cathy curtis forbetter foxtrot franknernest funkywinkerbean hagarthehorrible herman kudzu mutts onebighappy overboard peanuts pickles rhymeswithorange roseisrose shoe stonesoup thefuscobrothers dicktracy thephantom -l -q -s –basedir /home/steve/public_html/ds -a –stripdir –nospaces

I’ve already got 940 megs of comics in there. Crazy stuff.

Yahp. I’m a big comics fan. I could go on a lot more about all the other kinds I like to read and collect (from Disney Gold Key to Classic EC to Little Nemo … and Archie, who could forget Archie), there’s just so much good stuff out there. Good times had by all.

Happy day, flatfoot.

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