happy christmas, random kid

My little nephew had to have surgery this week (poor kid), and I felt bad for the little guy, so I decided to send him some toys from Amazon.  I found some cool little dinosaurs and bought them, and send them 2-day UPS.  Well, they were supposed to arrive this morning, so I logged onto the website to check out the delivery status, and it says “Out for delivery, Charlotte, NC.”  And I’m thinking to myself … “wait a minute, they don’t live in North Carolina anymore …”

Sure enough, I never updated my address book from when my sister’s family moved halfway across the country.  Ah well.  Merry Christmas … to someone. 🙂

2 comments on “happy christmas, random kid

  1. Matt

    The people who bought our old house were kind enough to pay UPS to forward the package to us. Merry Christmas after all.


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