helping out planet gentoo

I’m looking for a someone to help out with Planet Gentoo if they are interested.  Specifically, we host a deployment of b2evolution and use it for the developer blogs.  As a maintainer of planet services for Gentoo, that’s part of my job to take care of it … but it drives me a bit nuts and I’d like to rip it out and tell people to use something else.

But, people do like it, and I’m losing interest in taking care of it, so what I’d like to do is give the opportunity to someone else if they are interested.  If you wanna help out with Gentoo a bit as a staffer (not a developer), I can help you take the quiz and get started.  Email me at [email protected] and lemme know why you’re interested, etc.  Main responsibilities would initially just tweaking our b2evolution install, getting some things cleaned up, maybe helping out with documentation, small patches.  Nothing major or stressful, just minor tasks that need to get done.

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