moving out

Well, the delirium has calmed down from my weekend of heat trauma so I’ve been able to think calmly and rationally, and do what any normal person would do — get a new apartment.  Believe it or not, I already found one and I’ll be moving in within a few weeks.

I actually can’t believe I found something so fast, though I must say I was pretty inspired (and desperate) to get out.  Lucky for me, I found a place only four blocks away so I’m still close to the parks and I don’t have to move to an unfamiliar neighborhood.

Best of all, it has a new HVAC system put in just a few months ago.  When I went and saw it at noon, it was 66 degrees inside.  Man, it was nice.  I was ready to lie down and take a nap right then and there.  That wasn’t the only thing that won me over, though.  It’s on the lower level of a fourplex, has a huge living room and bedroom, and a very nice kitchen.  Did I mention it has air conditioning?

In the meantime, I’ve done the only sensible thing to do while waiting to get into my new place: I’ve moved my bedroom into the kitchen and quarantined the bedrooms.  It’s a nice 75 degrees in there and about 85 in the living room, so I think I can live with that.  As long as I get some sleep, I should be fine.

Man, I’m glad that’s resolved.  I never expected anything to happen so quickly.

3 comments on “moving out

  1. jvs

    amazing! great you could manage this so fast 🙂 if you need help with moving, I’m your man… (as soon as I won in the lottery and can afford the prize for a ticket to the states…) No, seriously, that’s great for you. HVAC++ 🙂


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