scale, bugs, blah

I’m extremely tired, but I just feel the need to write, and so I will. In fact, I have a lot of stuff I want to write about, but just have not either found the time or made it yet.

I’m really bummed about not being able to make it to SCALE last weekend. I really wanted to go. It just boiled down to the fact that I was feeling really behind work, and when I finally realized I was serious about going, it was too late to make real preparations. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to fly or drive, and instead of doing either (flying’s too expensive, driving is a looong trip), I settled on staying home and catching up on rest. Which was a good idea in itself, I had a good weekend here. In fact, I went driving really, really fast, which you can read all about in my friend Jason’s blog. I also got to hang out on Friday with some other local PHP geeks and go to lunch. It was good to meet some more nerds from round here. I’m still sore on missing out though, and I’ve already promised myself I’m going to make it to the next expo in the U.S.A., no matter where it’s at (sorry, flying to Europe is a bit spendy).

Anyway, in other Gentoo news, I saw on Simon’s blog (blubb) that we are finally down to less than a hundred bugs assigned to the amd64 team. That is freaking incredible. Simon deserves an enormous amount of credit for not giving up and pushing through until we break the barrier of getting a manageable number. I did a lot on bugday last week, and a lot on the week before that, and it almost burned me out completely. I’m still a little tired from all the whirlwind of activity, and I’ve been trying to take it easy since then so I don’t completely lose interest. Still lots to be done, and in fact the media and video teams need just as much love and attention. So if you don’t see me being as crazy busy as I have been lately, it’s because I’m trying to take it slow for a little bit so I don’t pass out.

Well, I’m mumbling so I better head off to bed.

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