skateboarding in winter … um, again

I must be out of my mind.  I went skating again tonight (the second time in a week), even though its like 30 degrees outside.  It’s freaking cold, man!  I dunno what came over me, though.  I just really wanted to go skating all of a sudden, so I called up Kevin and we went to Liberty Park and screwed around for a bit in the biting cold.  It was really fun, and I totally sucked at landing anything because I haven’t been in at least six months.

Then, tonight, it was equally cold, but I went to Fairmont and was just screwing around.  Good times.  I really wanted to get a picture of the skate park, since it’s half covered with snow, but there’s enough melted that you can actually go around it in places.  Instead of that, here’s a picture of me drawing pictures. 😀

I think I learned a good trick though to skating tonight.  Just freaking relax.  I realized the other day that I get totally tense when I’m poised to ollie or shuvit and it’s totally working against me.  So, tonight I tried to just relax and try and pop it a couple dozen times no matter how poised or ready I felt.  It wasn’t very effective practice, but I did *try* a lot more, so that was good.  I landed one ollie, I think.  Barely.  I’m not sure I really went in the air, actually.  But who cares.  I went out, I had fun, it was worth it. 🙂

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