skateboarding is life

About two weeks ago I decided I’m gonna go back to doing some skating this summer. By all accounts I’m still a beginner, so this time around I’m taking a different approach. I’m covering the basics one by one, and going out nightly, every day for an hour, and just practice what one thing until I’m ready to move onto something else.

It hasn’t been too long, but my approach is working well and I’m showing some progress. 🙂 Tonight, I was out, and while I was pushing around, I was thinking about the lessons I’ve learned while persistently going out, and I noticed there’s a lot of principles of practicing and skateboarding that apply to life as well:

* Don’t quit
* Practice what you know
* Build on what you know
* Watch out for the shady spots, where there’s debris (I totally bailed tonight, running over something)
* Steer clear of the weird guy roller skating in booty shorts
* If you don’t work at something that’s hard every day, it makes it more difficult to get back up to speed
* Make observations during practice, summaries afterwards
* If you try to look cool, you’re going to look even dumber when you screw up
* Learn the correct technique first, otherwise you’ll frustrate yourself and have to start over
* Your family can be a huge support, even if they don’t understand everything you’re going through
* Focus on the positive. If you dwell on the negative, you’ll just want to give up
* Watch out for dogs

That’s it 🙂 Skating is fun.

Finally, I love this video. I just wanna run!

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