tv and dvds

I have been on an insane shopping spree lately, and buying up a lot of TV shows on DVD. Normally I buy maybe one or two a month, so it’s pretty extreme that I bought thirteen in one week. Well, not that extreme once you get to know me better. 🙂

Like my movie DVDs page, I created one just for my TV collection. Believe it or not, I actually have it online so I can call up my brother when I’m at the store, because I can sometimes never remember what I have and haven’t bought already. Good times. 😀

Here’s some of the ones coming out soon that are notable:

Today: Justice League, Volume 2 and Superman, Volume 3.

I especially can’t wait to get my hands on Justice League. I love that show. They seriously kick butt in that cartoon unlike they do in any of the other Warner Bros. ones. I’ve also blogged about it the series before.

Superman, I’m not so stoked about, but I’ll buy it anyway. My first exposure to it was the cartoon movie about his origins (available as the first few episodes on the season one DVD set), which was very good by the way, but after that the score kind of bugged me so I ignored it. I haven’t really watched em since.

July 18th: The Incredible Hulk, Season One

This is the one that I am poop-in-my-pants oh-my-crap I can’t wait super-excited for. I looooove this show. I can’t wait to see the pilot either that explains how it all started. Very exciting.

The great thing is that it’s from Universal, which has been one of the best as far as releasing all their seasons on DVD on a regular basis, so I’m fully expecting to not see just season one and then the rest of them never materialize.

Plus, I hope this is a precursor to other great shows like this one coming along — The Six Million Dollar Man or the Bionic Woman. Man, nothing got me quite as worked up as a kid as those shows.

July 25th: Animaniacs, Vol 1 and Pinky and the Brain, Vol 1

I never really got into these shows when they were on the air (actually I don’t think I’ve ever seen a full episode), but I’ve always heard great things about them. It’s animation from Warner Bros., which already means there’s a very low chance of it being crappy. And that’s honestly the only studio I can say that about.

I’ll cover the August releases another time. I think that’s enough geek information overload for now. 🙂

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