So, I’m going to try and take a poll here, what program do you use to read RSS / Atom / news feeds? I would have an *actual* poll, but I honestly don’t even know what’s out there, much less what the popular ones are. Please leave a comment if you can.
The reason I ask is because I’m trying to debug some issues with planet — both Gentoo’s and Larry’s.
Oh, and apologies to everyone for breaking Planet Gentoo today. I spent a lot of time cleaning up a *lot* of cruft that should have been fixed for some time now. Chances are, too, that things will only get a bit more misarranged over the next few days as I tweak and test things some more, so bear with me.
Update: jsled had a good comment — why not just look at the access logs? Well, duh, why didn’t I think of that. -_- I don’t have access to Planet Gentoo’s, but Larry breaks it down well enough. It looks like, as far as programs go that are leaving a user agent, akregator is first with 19%, liferea is next with 6%, then Gregarious, RSSOwl and NetNewsWire with all less than 1% each. The rest are browsers or Unknown.
I’m currently using Akregator 1.4.1 with KDE4. I’m not really happy with it’s performance (basically rapes the CPU in my case) but it’s quite well featured and even tho I have tried to replace it countless times I always end up with it.
Akregator-1.4.1 (kde4)
Liferea – long time before i used thunderbird.
Rssyl extension to claws mail.
I use Google Reader. Not the most technical reader, but, it’s quick, easy, and get’s the job done.
I use Google Reader. This way I never miss a post and can share stuff with others.
Hi, I’m using Akregator (of KDE 4.2) and haven’t had any problems with your feed so far.
Google Reader. IIRC, they encode the number of individuals they’re pulling the page for in the user-agent string when they fetch the feed, so accesslogs should reveal this number. The other multi-user aggregators should do the same. As well as FeedBurner re-presented feeds.
Come to think of it, if you look at the access logs for the feed itself, all the user agent strings together appropriately counted should answer your question better than a poll ever could.
Heh Steve !
I personally use Akregator. I must admit I haven’t looked too far into readers but for what I use it it satisfies me đŸ™‚
Cheers and thanks for your work !
I use Google reader.
Akregator 1.2.9 (KDE 3.5)
I use Google Reader, so do 1500 other people for Planet Gentoo. đŸ˜‰
Akregator, but I’m seriously thinking of developing a Qt4-only clone with better backend support and probably some more features (analysis for news trends etc).
Liferea FTW \o/
I use Google Reader, which probably barely registers as it only checks the feed once even if a million people use it.
home: net-news/newsbeuter
work: net-news/rawdog
Same here, using Google Reader since it’s accessible from almost anywhere and works quite well.
Google reader here…
Well, I’m using Gregarius to aggregate all feeds I’m reading into a single one (Firefox is a real bitch with >5 RSS feeds).
I use Liferea, although it’s very slow sometimes but I like it.
The problem with using the access logs as mentioned is that some of us get your rss feed through a planet (such as Utah Open Source Planet). The access logs will not show proper information from those planets, will it?
Google Reader here
Another Google Reader user here. It does the job for me and is accessible anywhere I have a browser.
Liferea here!
Actually i use tinytinyrss, longtime before that i used Vienna. đŸ™‚
rss2email in a crontab that post blog posts on an imap account. It’s available anywhere I have an imap client đŸ˜‰
I use the Sage-Too extension for Firefox
Firefox Live bookmarks.
You could just ask me to run some stats đŸ˜‰
For the rss20.xml files on planet and universe, combined.
4478246 total hits in the logs.
Top 10:
85879 claws
88308 magpierss
94903 Firefox/2
120979 MSIE
214121 xscreensaver-text
298291 –
349319 Firefox/3
378391 Thunderbird
806843 liferea
867487 Akregator
Top 10 = 73.7% of hits.
Top 20 = 84.5%
Top 50 = 95.5% of hits
I counting the raw distinct useragents first, so I got numbers that way, followed by replacing spaces in the UA string with underscores, and feeding that data to the following sed evil to group UAs together.
# sed -r -e ‘s,^[[:space:]]*([0-9]+)[[:space:]]+.*(Akregator|Iceweasel|Yahoo!|Googlebot|Planet_Gentoo|Opera|Bloglines|msnbot|Gentoo_Universe|Yandex|Claws|MSIE|xscreensaver-text|Firefox/3|Firefox/2|gnome-vfs|Liferea|Thunderbird|Konqueror/3|Gigabot|Drupal|Netluchs|Yahoo_Pipes|KNewsTicker|Jakarta|PubSub|Charlotte|MagpieRSS|SimplePie|Gregarius|FeedOnFeeds|NetNewsWire|rss2email|Yanga|Feedfetcher-Google|Doubanbot|Rome_Client|WebAlta|Wget/|UniversalFeedParser|Spinn3r|twiceler|violabot|DotBot|Konqueror/4|BonEcho|Firefox/1|Speedy_Spider|FeedDemon|discobot|Safari|Sage-Too|Exabot|voilabot|Biz360|GranParadiso|Minefield|Livejournal|Evolution|NewsGatorOnline|Newsfox|newsbeuter|Ask_Jeeves|Seamonkey|newspipe|YodaoBot|psbot|Okiit|AlestiFeedBot|Mugshot|Reblog|Iceape|Zhuaxia|FeedHub|WordPress|Vienna|BuzzTracker||lynx|Gecko_Gentoo|RSSbandit|Elinks|\<Links|Feed2Imap|Feedjack|ruby-rbot|Netvibes|Sage|RSSOwl|Python-urllib|Feedtools|lwp-trivial|AideRSS|Gecko/200.|curl/|AppleWebKit|Pageflakes|livedoor|\|Fastladder|Blogbridge|Enlightenment|Newsbrain|Sharpreader|xianguo|NewsAlloy|Feedshow|Snownews|Emacs|Attentio|QQFeedFetcher|Gozerbot|Ruby/|Noopod|Newsfire|TechnoratiSnoop|Blogbot|Blorq|Java/|yacybot|heritrix|[a-zA-Z0-9]*RSS(Reader|Feeds)\>|Gecko|BlackBerry|ActiveWeave|Kindle).*$,\1 \2,gi’
followed by more sorting+counting+sorting.
Liferea for me.
Used liferea for a long time. Has some speed issues that got to annoying for me. so I switched to google reader.
Thunderbird. I like having the feeds coming in just like they were email.
google đŸ˜€
I use Opera web browser’s “Feeds” function.
Google Reader, because it is always synced, no installation required, supports podcasts, easy to use, integrated with other google features and so on ad infinitum… I simply dig it đŸ™‚
google reader here too.
Google reader here.
Liferea, I prefer desktop app for this, but I will consider google reader when liferea will be able to sync with him.
Google reader. It works on multiple systems and is nicely integrated with the browser for reading the actual articles. I used to use akregator, but besides not supporting shared state between systems (without a shared homedir), it was rather slow, especially to load the actual pages.
feed2imap (
RSSOwl or Sage on Firefox.
Opera-rss feeder, and newsbeuter. Well, i want a console based one, but newsbeuter isn’t really it. So opera for the time being. !
Gregarius. Haven’t tried the others. Wanted a web based one on my server so that I could access it elsewhere. But in the end, I just access it from home anyway…
Google reader here. I’d actually prefer something I had more control over, but it has to support being accessed from anywhere (phone, web, etc). Google reader is the option that works best. RNews would be my second choice but Google Reader works much better on Android…
Google Reader, and I can say that 20 of my co-workers also use it.
Google Reader
newsbeuter console based and neat.
Thunderbird 3.0b3
I use the Firefox-extension WizzRSS
Your log scrub is clearly missing Google Reader. The majority of everyone I know who uses an aggregator uses GReader.
Google Reader ftw
Liferea Rocks
Sage for Firefox!
RSSnow Desktop widget which comes with KDE 4.2.x