
I went and saw the movie Eragon the other day at the dollar theater.  I can’t believe I put it off for so long.  I just kept forgetting about it, really.

Fantasy movies are probably my favorite, and it’s always exciting when a new one comes out, even though most of the time they are horribly bad and embarrassing.  Eragon was as bad as I expected, but not more than that, and I actually enjoyed it in a way.

The story was pretty bad — mostly rushed, cliched, and full of things that just didn’t make much sense.  In regards to that last one, I mean the characters didn’t consistenly act out their parts as they would.

It did make up for it in a few areas though.  I thought the acting was good, and the cinematography was great.  The dragon looked kind of like a bird sometimes, but it was still cool.  The fight scenes were pretty cool too.

I’m split as to whether I’d buy it on DVD or not.  I probably will, if only because it’s about halfway there of what I think a decent fantasy movie should be.  What it really did is make me want to go home and watch DragonHeart again.  I’m kind of hoping that the DVD might have some extended scenes or a director’s cut which puts a few more scenes back in that might give the movie more sense of direction.

1 comment on “eragon

  1. Greg

    “I’m split as to whether I’d buy it on DVD or not.”???
    Yeah right–anyone who’s seen your DVD collection knows that there’s no “split” about it.
    If a movie has one line or one note or one actor you like, you buy it.
    This one’ll be on the shelf next to the other 3,000…


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