my blu-ray ripping trial run

Yesterday, I wanted to see if I could rip a Blu-Ray disc using my PS3.  I really want to get a BD-ROM drive, but they are so expensive still, and since I can install Linux on my PS3, I figured maybe I’d try and save myself some money and see if I could manage to get one ripped and decrypted.  It actually worked, which surprised me.  Ripping the disc was the simplest thing in the world, but the key on the movie I tried (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) was too new, and currently only AnyDVD has support for it.  I’d love to buy a copy of that, but it only runs in Windows, and it’s really expensive.  Instead, I’ll just have to wait for the keys to pop up eventually on the doom9 forums.

The first step, though, was getting the PS3 to run Linux.  I took the shamelessly easy way out (and I don’t regret it either) and installed Xubuntu.  I won’t go into details about how I got Linux on my PS3 since that’s well documented.  I will say that I remember quite vividly now why I can’t stand binary distros.  Bleh.

The BD filesystem is UDF.  Providing you have a recent kernel (2.6.20, I think) with UDF v2.5 support, you are good to go.  I mounted a remote share and just dumped the disc to an ISO file onto my desktop.

$ cat /media/cdrom0 > wonka.iso

That was the easy part.

The hard part was trying to get it decrypted.  I had to use Java tools (bleh) to get to the source.  There are three applications you need.  And if you hate digging through forums and using download services, then I’ve got direct links for yah:

For Gentoo, you’ll need to install the JDK to build the aacskeys library and binary.  I just emerged dev-java/sun-jdk and it worked for me (I know absolutely nothing about Java, but my stabbing in the dark miraculously worked).  You’ll also need a runtime environment to actually execute the stuff, and I emerged dev-java/sun-jre-bin and that worked fine, too on my amd64 box.

For aacskeys and Gentoo, you’ll need to apply this patch that I cobbled together from what I found on the doom9 forums to get it to compile.  It just fixes the Java include directorys for the Makefile.

Now, I’m still a bit fuzzy about what each program does, and whether you need all of them or not, so I won’t go into a lot of detail.  What you want to use, though, is the dumphd program.  But to use it, you’ll need to copy the aacskeys library and a file from the bdvmdbg package as well into the path or same directory as the dumphd program.

Once you have that, you can just run and it’ll fire up a simple little GUI telling you if it has all the libraries it needs.  Then you just specify the source and destination, and aacskeys will see if it has a working key to access the disc.

I can’t really give much more detail than that, since I’m so new to this.  Suffice it to say, if you read the accompanying README doc that comes with each one, you’ll get along just fine.

It took me a long time last night to get just one disc ripped and transferred over my subnet to try it out, and by the time I managed to get it mounted (mount -o loop -t udf wonka.iso /mnt/udf) and access it, it was pretty late.  The keys I had didn’t work for my disc, and I didn’t want to try the whole procedure over to try another disc.

Anyway, good luck if you try it.  One thing that impressed me is how much simpler it was than I thought it’d be, but what a pain it was trying to figure out where things went wrong.  The doom9 forums are a good resource, but not exactly the best place to find clear, concise information for a beginner.  That part was frustrating.

Personally, I don’t think it’s worth the hassle right now, the way I did it.  I’ll get a BD-ROM sooner or later so I don’t have to transfer the content over the network and can instead just test it directly.  But, I started out to see if I could at least get a copy of the ISO and get the tools running all without Windows, and I can.  So, that’s progress right there.

6 comments on “my blu-ray ripping trial run

  1. matt

    those utils still use java ? i thought there would be something simple by now written in c/c++ so someone like me would have to go through the hassle of installing java just to watch a blueray.

  2. andrew

    You don’t need sun-jre-bin. sun-jdk includes the JRE (An SDK that compiled but couldn’t run programs would be pretty useless).

    I don’t think it’s surprising that they used Java, seeing as how Java is required as part of the Blu-ray spec (All blu-ray playback devices *must* have a JRE). If you want your DVD title/chapter-select/etc menus to work then Java is non-optional.

  3. Grant

    Or just use makemkv to rip, decrypt, and remux any blu-ray disc (even the newest ones) with a couple clicks. Don’t forget vdpau for hardware accelerated playback though.


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