skating in winter

For some reason or another, skateboarding has been on my mind a lot more recently, and I’m really starting to get bummed since I can’t go out and do anything.  I imagine it has to do that things are stepping up at work a bit more since I’m finishing up a months old project, and whenever I need a break, YouTube is one of the first places I go, and I watch a lot of skating videos.

Anyway, tonight after I left work the sun was actually shining and the roads were dry, and I thought there might just maybe be a chance that the park was dry as well.  I dunno what it is, but the place has this type of concrete that water evaporates on it really quickly… even after it rains, it will all completely dry up within half an hour or so, so you can go out all you like.

Well, that idea was way out there, but I figured it was worth checking into, so I went over to the park, and it was completely snowed under.  I guess the sun wasn’t out as much as I thought it was.  Oh well.  What was interesting, though, is someone had shoveled out one of the bowls, so it was pretty dry.  I’m not really up for a bag of LOLhurt so I passed on that one.

I still miss skating though, I wish I could do something.  I’m not agile enough for some indoor skating since they are usually just big ramps … or at least, the ones I know about in Utah.  Maybe there’s some more.  One thing I saw an article about the other day that talked about practicing in your house.  I’m in a downstairs apartment all by myself, so I don’t have a garage or anything (which is where, I imagine, most people have done all their practicing), but since I’m on the ground floor, I could screw around on my carpet and not bother any of the neighbors.  Just before winter set on, I was starting to get shuv-its and ollies.  Well, standing ollies.  It’s a start.

1 comment on “skating in winter

  1. Greg

    I’m telling you- you’ve got to take up snowboarding for crying out loud! Where there is snow, one must snowboard!


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